prove too much中文什么意思

发音:   用"prove too much"造句
太吃力了, 使人受不了
  • prove:    vt. ( -d; -d, 〔古、美 ...
  • too:    adv. 1.太。 2.很,非常,极 ...
  • much:    adj. (more; most) ...
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  1. The unfamiliar handicap of playing all year round with the sun on your back might prove too much of a burden
  2. The rangoon reefed all her sails , and even the rigging proved too much , whistling and shaking amid the squall
  3. For the 1 . 4m borrowers whose short - term fixed - rate loans taken out in more clement times were due to end in 2008 , higher refinancing costs might “ prove too much for many of them to afford ”
  4. Since i feared a new onset of obstinacy which my vanity might conceivably have borne but which would have assuredly proved too much for my purse , i gave my name , asked for the volume to be put aside and left by the stairs
  5. However , the subsequent challenge of beating germany proved too much - although they contained the reigning champions for long periods , they could not match their opponents for experience and went down 3 - 0 , a scoreline that somewhat flattered their opponents
    然而,随后挑战德国队对他们来说更有价值尽管与卫冕冠军相持了很长时间,最终因为经验不足以0 3这个让对手得到了些漂亮话比分落败。


  1. prove the coal 什么意思
  2. prove the subsidiary ledger 什么意思
  3. prove to 什么意思
  4. prove to be 什么意思
  5. prove to be true after investigation 什么意思
  6. prove unwelcome, to 什么意思
  7. prove up 什么意思
  8. prove up to the hilt 什么意思
  9. prove with facts 什么意思
  10. prove wrong 什么意思



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